Your Outlook on Life is a Direct Reflection

of How Much You Like Yourself

Your outlook on life is a direct reflection on how much you like yourself.I photographed this little shop window in September, 2007, while visiting Victoria, British Columbia on Vancouver Island. I’m not sure if this statement on their storefront window is true, but I found it appealing nonetheless. I walked in with cheery confidence and bought a groovin’ t-shirt which has indeed made me like myself more. Fortunately, there were no guitar stores on this street or I might have fallen into a narcissistic coma.


In creating your lesson plan for life, remember that Retail Therapy is not for everyone. It should only be administered when in the company of someone who knows your credit limit and is bigger than you are. Under certain circumstances, Retail Therapy might actually be more detrimental to your self-worth than supportive of it. Use great discretion when undergoing Retail Therapy and remember to never shop alone especially when audio gear or musical instruments are involved.

Photograph by Gary Powell

All Content of Gary Powell’s Site is Licensed Under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License


Your outlook on life is a direct reflection on how much you like yourself.I photographed this little shop window in September, 2007, while visiting Victoria, British Columbia on Vancouver Island. I’m not sure if this statement on their storefront window is true, but I found it appealing nonetheless. I walked in with cheery confidence and bought a groovin’ t-shirt which has indeed made me like myself more. Fortunately, there were no guitar stores on this street or I might have fallen into a narcissistic coma.


In creating your lesson plan for life, remember that Retail Therapy is not for everyone. It should only be administered when in the company of someone who knows your credit limit and is bigger than you are. Under certain circumstances, Retail Therapy might actually be more detrimental to your self-worth than supportive of it. Use great discretion when undergoing Retail Therapy and remember to never shop alone especially when audio gear or musical instruments are involved.

Photograph by Gary Powell

All Content of Gary Powell’s Site is Licensed Under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License


One thought on “

Your Outlook on Life is a Direct Reflection

of How Much You Like Yourself
  1. After reading this post, I simply had to do a little research on this quote, due partly to my scientific based mind and my insatiable appetite for knowledge. It’s such a simple quote but so many seem to be drawn to it. I found many blogs that have also posted about this way of thinking, so there must be a reason. But what is it? Do we really believe that the way we look at life mirrors our self worth? I think life can be quite cruel and also exhilarating. But I don’t see myself as either of these two descriptions and I surely don’t base associate how much I like myself with them. While I can see the general relationship, a person who doesn’t think much of themselves usually has a horrible outlook on life. Maybe this quote doesn’t apply to all, or maybe my outlook is still developing, as are the thoughts I have about myself. In the end, it’s sadly just a quote that most will probably forget quickly after hearing or reading it.

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