It’s difficult to score or keep accurate metrics on Gary Powell’s world-wide contribution as a songwriter, composer and producer within the recording arts. It’s even more difficult to understand his commitment to music as an art-form or the meaning and purpose he has derived from it. He does not sail onboard the obligatory and conspicuous yacht in the South of France, but he does ride motorcycles across Texas with no red-carpets within 1,400 miles. Instead, to tell the more poetic story of a successful career, Gary chose the Flags of the World to find his bearing. These are flags representing the human family where borders are respected within the common identity of humanity. These are also flags from countries where children and families dance to music, sing along with storybook characters, and celebrate holidays and life together – all with Gary Powell’s prolific musical contribution in the recording arts. ~ Harry Joe Reeves
- Flags Compliments of Mark Fennell